All of the stages are there to help you make the best choice

Life Coach

4 Stages of the Program

4 Stages of the Program

Education of Self

Racing drivers can control their vehicles much better than the average person, right? That is because they have a much better understanding of the vehicles real capabilities and limitations . They also have a greater understanding of how to instruct a vehicle and are therefore able to get significantly more performance from a vehicle. You will learn how your internal model of communication works. In other words, you will learn why you perceive the world the way you do. I will also teach you how to give yourself proper instruction resulting in greater performance.

Education of Self
Dealing with the Past

The reality is that no matter how aware you are of your potential and your abilities or how well you can instruct yourself, your past will cause you to feel like those choices are not real options. If you are going to be empowered to always be at choice then your past needs to lose its foothold over you. What exactly does this mean?

We all have baggage that we have accumulated until now. In other words, we all have anger, sadness, fear, guilt and hurt that we carry with us every day from the past. You either gain wisdom or baggage from any event that has happened. This part of my life coaching program is really precious, as you will learn to free yourself from your baggage.

Dealing with the Past
Now Strategies

Having dealt with the past you are now equipped to look at the now through new eyes. Only now can you make the necessary changes in your mind that will cause your behaviour, and therefore your results, to change. This step of the process is about re aligning your inner world to congruently work as one, supporting your dreams and goals.

Now Strategies
Creating the Future

Facing the future, baggage free and with the necessary tools, is now very exciting. We will place your new goals into your future using techniques that will make these goals so compelling that everything you do from then onwards would be yet another step closer to achieving your dreams. Have you ever set goals and not achieved them. You will learn why, but more importantly you will learn how to set goals so that you will achieve them.

Creating the Future

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